Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My New Microwave

My parents asked me what I wanted for christmas this year so I thought reeeeal hard about it and my microwave had been on the fritz! Lately. It kinda stays on when you open it, so you end up having to chase down your food as it spins around in there. So any way they picked me up a Sweeeet! New Over the range Microwave on one of those black friday deals. I didn't feel like chasing my food any more so they gave it to me early, and I installed it last sunday. Here it is, and here is Danielle cleaning up my mess after i messed up the cabinets installing it. Lol
I think it looks pretty gooooood. Except yeah I have to get matching cabinets, the little one above the microwave is new. I had to pick up a new one that would make more room for the microwave.



danielle said...

yup it looks sawwweeeet! can't wait to help you redo the rest of it lol

Joshua MIller said...

hey man.......just to let you know.......WE STILL DON'T HAVE A FREAKING MICROWAVE.........sigh.....love yours though.