Saturday, December 6, 2008

Danielle LOVES to study

Just in case you missed it the title of these is Danielle LOVES to Study
Actually I think its the opposite,

But I think in these pictures she looks like she's having fun anyway. I was just cleaning the house the other day. Danielle used to help me with that but now that she's in school full time. Its on me lol. So i was walking  by my bed room when I saw her propped up in the corner of my bed in a pile of my clean laundry. The lighting was nice and my camera bag just happened to be at my feet in a pile of some more laundry!  So I grabbed it up and shot a couple shots of her exercising that big brain of hers. Isn't she cute! lol


1 comment:

Joshua MIller said...

nice photos. And i love the tag at the bottom of the photos, i was wondering when you were going to do that. NOW, to all you internet photo thieves, just try and steal his work now....ha ha....he has a tag....a TAG!!!!!!! you are so screwed........ha..i'm tired. sorry...late