Sunday, January 18, 2009

My daily commute

I took this Thursday night on the way home from work. With the inauguration just a few days away, I was playing with my jobs camera on the train trying to get a better feel for it. The D2x is rather horrible in low light but I did like this one that I took while we were stopped dead on the tracks for 5 min or so. Marc train tends to do that. Randomly stop and not tell you why. Any how , here is my favorite conductor hard at work. I love it when he talks on the announcer on the train. He sounds like a 1920's guy. He has a very unique voice. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Stove

Yeah baby that's a stove. Look how shinny it is. Fortunately for you , you get to see the evolution of my 1970's kitchen into the modern day. lol Is it weird that Im so excited about my new appliance ? Or is it just weird that i took a picture of it and posted it? I don't care lol here is it my pride and joy, (besides Danielle who I miss dearly and is in guatemala. )

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Fun

I just got back from our little family get together in North Carolina. We recently had some of our favorite cousins move down there to join our other cousins in what I guess is a very livable community. It is really quite toned down compared to the regular hustle and bustle of the Dc balt. Area.  Any how we got to stay with both of them in their new homes. Very cool to see that they are both doing well. The area is under a lot of new development, but there is a lot of character left in the little towns surrounding Charlotte. I only wish we had more time because I didn't get to see much of it outside of a car window. We did have a blast with them however even if our trip was cut short by a outbreak of the stomach virus from hell. lol When we arrived only one of our family members had contracted it from who knows where and was already getting over it so we figured we were in the clear. WRONG! by the end of thursday night. 7 other people had got it and so we figured there was no point it staying there sick so we made the 7 hour drive back home. Any how I got some fun stuff before we left even got a chance to take some self family portraits with the timer and a tripod. My sister surprised my mom and showed up from texas for a couple of days. Take a look seeeeee!